I was fortunate enough to spend a month in northern Minnesota with my family for an entire month during my maternity leave. (See post of our trip HERE and HERE). We had the best time with my parents and my parents were so appreciative that we were able to visit them so they could really get to know their grandkids. I have taken full advantage of my maternity leave with baby Parker + Jaxin and we have been getting spoiled with all of the help I’ve received. My mom wrote this poem after we had left and I started to tear up when I first read it and wanted to share. I’m sure other grandparents out there fill the same way but I know my parents are finally able to get some rest without all of action that was around during our month with them.
Grandma’s Poem to Jaxin and Parker
Our lives have changed since spending a month with Rachael & grandsons:
We are now refilling water into the pool,
instead of watching Parker coo & drool.
We are now winding up garden hose,
Instead of wiping Jaxin’s runny nose.
No more watching Jaxin playing with his truck.
No more hearing Jaxin say everything is “stuck”.
As we look at our pool’s lonely, empty diving board….
We remember Jaxin’s antics & oh how we roared!
Jaxin climbed the pool slide ladder with absolutely no fear,
while I gasped, shrieked then finally uttered a cheer.
I will not miss the helpless feeling
As Parker’s tummy was rocking and reeling.
Oh .. little Parker (or “Pawker” as Boppa would say)
Gonna miss your coos & smiles you learned during your stay.
Now, going upstairs and downstairs Ross & I -alone we roam….
Remembering the pitter pats & giggles that made our house “home”.
Poem by: Loree Pederson

I will definitely be tucking this poem in there baby book along with all of the pictures of our time in northern Minnesota. My parents are the best!
xoxo, Rachael