Showing 18 Result(s)
Create a love story for your skin!

Saranghae, Skin!

“Saranghae”  means “I love you” in Korean. During pregnancy, I hated my skin.  It seems like there are two types of women’s skin during pregnancy: 1. glowing and radiant (think pregnant Beyoncé cerca de Grammy’s 2017) -OR- 2. hormonal breakouts with brown spots.  I was the latter.  I had acne and chloasma on my face, …

Parker’s Birth Story

I can’t believe that Parker is already 4 weeks old.  I am going to be one of those moms that continues to repeat that I can’t believe how old my kids are, how tall they are, and reminisce of the days when they were little.  It’s already making me sad how fast time has passed …

Jaxin's Birth Story

Jaxin’s Birth Story

We just celebrated Jaxin’s 2nd Birthday and I wanted to be sure to have documented his birth story before I become old and start mixing up my kiddo’s names and birthdays, which is already happening.  Jaxin was our first born, hence the millions of pictures and videos we have of him.  Now I have finally …

An open letter to my son

An Open Letter to my Son

You are loved For the boy you are For the man you will become And for the precious son you will always be.   To my precious little boy, Thinking of what I want to say to you already puts me in tears.  Happy tears of course but makes me so emotional trying to find …

How becoming a parent changed me

How Becoming a Parent Changes You

How does becoming a parent change you?  Everyone always says, you won’t know how becoming a parent changes you until you become one.  This seems so obvious and I used to only think of the selfish reasons why it would change me. The days of sleeping in will end.  Late nights of being social will …

Chicago blogger, Chicago blogger network, Chicago lifestyle, voyage Chicago, Chicago inspiration

Interview with Voyage Chicago

Most inspiring Stories: As a Chicago lifestyle blogger, I was surprised and thrilled to be interviewed for Voyage Chicago’s “Most Inspiring Stories” series.  Voyage Chicago creates an online community where we can find the great people, businesses, organizations, and events that are going on throughout this large and vast city of Chicago.  Reading through some …