Baby number 3 is coming fast! I’ve been nesting like crazy, which means trying to figure out how the soon-to-be-5 of us will all fit upstairs in 3 bedrooms. This means my 2 and 4-year-old will be sharing a room. Eventually. I say this because they are both good sleepers and selfishly, I’d like to keep it that way. I have the room ready for them to share but will probably keep baby in our room for the first few months and the boys in their separate rooms. When baby needs his/her own room, I will finally make the transition! More to come on how that goes! But here are all the details of our Shared Big Boy Room Reveal!

*This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using the links. Also, this post was sponsored by Mattress Firm and Thomasville, as always, all opinions are my own and I cannot recommend these brands enough!
This room was my oldest son’s Big Boy Room when we transitioned him from nursery to here. I was able to use a lot of the same décor (to read more about the transition and to see before pictures, check out this POST!). My boys are 2 and 4 and the only request was BUNK BEDS! I have to say, that we maximized the space and we are thrilled with how everything turned out. I was able to keep a lot of the same décor (links below) and still love the striped accent wall! (To see how I painted this wall, check out this POST!).
Bunk Bed and Mattress Details
We received the Thomasville Kids Winslow Twin Over Full Bunk Bed in white! I’m obsessed with these bunk beds as they are perfect for our space! The bottom bunk is a full-size bed so perfect for guests/slumber parties OR once the boys get older, we’d still be able to use this bed because it converts into 2 separate beds: a twin and a full bed. I love having that option if we decide bunk beds are no longer for us!

Our mattresses are from Mattress Firm, which has the best selection of bed in a box brands, at the best prices! Loved how they had free no-contact delivery which was so convenient during quarantine. We chose the Nectar Lush mattress which is a 12” thick memory foam mattress (link to mattress HERE) and I cannot rave about this mattress enough. It is heaven to lay on and so soft. If these mattresses don’t make my boys sleep a little longer, I have no idea what will!

Room Decor Details
The boys are obsessed with their room and eventually we will move my 2-year-old from crib into this room but they play in this room ALL THE TIME and love it. Do you have bunk beds? How was the transition of having two kiddos in same room?
As always, thank you so much for reading! Xoxo, Rachael
Toddler Room Ideas for Boys