I’ve never been able to find a natural deodorant that ‘worked’ for me. I’ve tried so many different natural brands that left me smelling like B.O. and having yellow pit stains. I thought natural deodorants were ineffective up until I tried Oars and Alps. It is my favorite natural deodorant and it’s one that actually works!

Detoxing from mainstream deodorant.
I have gone on and off natural deodorant so many times. My mission was to avoid the aluminum and preservatives that come with the most traditional antiperspirants. The mainstream deodorants are associated with diseases like breast cancer and Alzheimer’s, although researchers argue that there is little evidence proving this correlation, it’s still enough to make me want to switch. I’ve tried Schmidt’s, Tom’s, Native, all with no success, leaving me stinky and sweaty, and ultimately leading me back to the ‘old’ toxic stuff.
What I didn’t realize is that in order to become a natural deodorant user, you have to go through a mainstream deodorant detox to get the natural deodorant to work for you. Traditional deodorants double as antiperspirants, whereas most natural deodorants do not. With ingredients like propylene glycol and aluminum salts stop the natural process of sweat. Hence the reason your pits need to detox before the natural deodorant begins to ‘work’.
Deo Detox.
I love how Oar and Alps preps you for this ‘Deo Detox” on its packaging because my previous natural deodorants have never explained this. The Oars and Alps deodorant is clearly labeled:
WEEK 1: No Odor
WEEK 2: You are sweating more. Your pits are purging toxins from aluminum in antiperspirant.
WEEK 3: You’ll sweat more and smell less as your body continues to adjust.
WEEK 4: Odor and sweat begin to disappear.
*Everyone detoxes at their own pace. For optimal results reapply as needed.
Once I realized that the sweat and smell was part of the Deo Detoxing, I happily did a 1 or 2 deodorant ‘touch ups’ and was completely fine with doing so vs. thinking the deodorant wasn’t working. I have gone through the sweaty, stinky phase, but can say after week 3, I started seeing a significant change of not sweating as much.
Oars and Alps.
Oars and Alps has a skincare line that avoids harsh and toxic ingredients through testing and consumer studies. The U.S. has only banned 11 ingredients, while Oars and Alps has banned over 1,000 ingredients to make their products free of toxic material. This is a brand I can stand behind! Below are some of the products that I’ve tried and loved. You can find all of these products at Target!

I LOVE the smell of the Eucalyptus Spearmint Deodorant and I will definitely be buying this again! Have you tried natural deodorant? Did you have a good experience? What’s your favorite natural skincare brand?
As always, thank you for reading! xoxo, Rachael